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3680 m

Nestled within the awe-inspiring Annapurna Circuit, Ngawal emerges as an enchanting jewel, beckoning adventurers to partake in its rich heritage and breathtaking vistas. As the gateway to a realm of cultural legacies and natural wonders, Athilaya Lodge in Ngawal invites you to immerse yourself in an age-old tapestry that weaves together tradition, spirituality, and exploration.

Centuries-old customs thrive in Ngawal, where time seems to stand still. Echoes of the Ghale dynasty linger, their presence palpable amidst the ruins of the ancient palace that graces the village's landscape. Witness the spiritual heartbeat of Ngawal at the Nyingma monastery, founded during the tumultuous days of change in the 15th century.

Ngawal's allure extends to seekers of tranquility and insight. The Maha Yogi's retreat center and the ancient Ne Guru cave offer sanctuaries for meditative reflection, while the vicinity boasts myriad other retreat caves, where the trails intersect with souls on meditative sojourns. Ngawal stands 3,675 meters above sea level. Peaks like Chulu West, East, and Far East beckon, their allure framed by the panoramic canvas of the Annapurna range – Annapurna I, II, III, IV – with Gangapurna to the south, Pisang Peak to the east, and Thorang la and Tilicho Peak gracing the western expanse. The northern frontier unveils Kang-la Pass, inviting the daring to conquer its heights.

Ngawal emerges as the trekkers' and mountaineers' haven, a sanctuary for acclimatization before venturing to Thorong-la, Tilicho, Kangla Pass, and the Chulu peaks. In this lofty embrace, Athilaya Lodge in Ngawal is your harmonious retreat, inviting you to weave your story into the vibrant fabric of the Himalayas.

Single & Double Bed
No. of People
2 People
Room Size
138 sqf
Room Rates

Double/BB: USD 80
Single/BB: USD 60

Local Price
Double/BB: Rs. 6000
Single/BB: Rs. 4500

For Reservation & Inquiry

Eachhya Shrestha
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Nestled within the awe-inspiring Annapurna Circuit, Ngawal emerges as an enchanting jewel, beckoning adventurers to partake in its rich heritage and breathtaking vistas. As the gateway to a realm of cultural legacies and natural wonders, Athilaya Lodge in Ngawal invites you to immerse yourself in an age-old tapestry that weaves together tradition, spirituality, and exploration.

Centuries-old customs thrive in Ngawal, where time seems to stand still. Echoes of the Ghale dynasty linger, their presence palpable amidst the ruins of the ancient palace that graces the village's landscape. Witness the spiritual heartbeat of Ngawal at the Nyingma monastery, founded during the tumultuous days of change in the 15th century.

Ngawal's allure extends to seekers of tranquility and insight. The Maha Yogi's retreat center and the ancient Ne Guru cave offer sanctuaries for meditative reflection, while the vicinity boasts myriad other retreat caves, where the trails intersect with souls on meditative sojourns. Ngawal stands 3,675 meters above sea level. Peaks like Chulu West, East, and Far East beckon, their allure framed by the panoramic canvas of the Annapurna range – Annapurna I, II, III, IV – with Gangapurna to the south, Pisang Peak to the east, and Thorang la and Tilicho Peak gracing the western expanse. The northern frontier unveils Kang-la Pass, inviting the daring to conquer its heights.

Ngawal emerges as the trekkers' and mountaineers' haven, a sanctuary for acclimatization before venturing to Thorong-la, Tilicho, Kangla Pass, and the Chulu peaks. In this lofty embrace, Athilaya Lodge in Ngawal is your harmonious retreat, inviting you to weave your story into the vibrant fabric of the Himalayas.

Single & Double Bed
No. of people
2 people
Room Size
138 sqf
Room Rates

Double/BB: USD 80
Single/BB: USD 60

Local Price
Double/BB: Rs. 6000
Single/BB: Rs. 4500

For Reservation & Inquiry

Eachhya Shrestha
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Small in-house library
  • 20 spacious and cozy rooms

  • Electric mat to keep your bed warm
  • Dining room serving delicious and fresh cuisine
  • En-suite bathroom with hot & cold running water
  • Wifi
  • Green house
  • Leisure Room
  • Mini Museum
  • Well stocked bar

Neyshang Museum Under Ngawal Premises